Tri-Valley Developmental Services serves Allen, Bourbon, Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson counties in Southeast Kansas. Our board consists of three citizens from Allen, Bourbon, Neosho and Woodson counties and two citizens from Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, and Wilson counties. These board members serve a three-year term. The board meets six times a year.
Allen County
John McRae - Chairman of the Board
Susan Jones​ - Vice Chairman
Georgia Masterson
Chautauqua County
Greenwood County
Rita Cornett
Wilson County
Devin Johnson
Derrick Payne
Bourbon County
Lindsay Madison
Steve Sewell​ - Treasurer
Elk County
Connie Hey
Jim Hogan
Janet Rash
Neosho County
Randy LeMaster
Anna Methvin - Secretary
Matt Morgan
Woodson County
Angie Morrison
Sharon Suske